Troy's Memories

by Kathy Braud
Original - Sold
Not Specified
22.000 x 15.000 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Troy's Memories
Kathy Braud
Painting - Watercolor On Gessoed Paper
This watercolor landscape scene includes a field crop of corn in the process of growing tall, a special old barn, and the anticipation of the homecoming, just around the bend in the road, for the children who are walking home from school.
Gessoed paper is very slippery and I experimented a lot. This old home place in Central Minnesota is just a memory now.
Special Featured:
Semi Abstract group "LANDSCAPES -SEMI ABSTRACT 3/ DAY" discussion thread 11/01/2020
No Place Like Home 6/23/2018
1000 views Groups nominated images by fellow artist in the Special Features #6 5/27/2017
chosen as Administrator's Picks and showcased on the homepage of the Midwest America Artists group, 10/8/2016
Semi-Abstract 1/day 11/19/2020
10 Plus 11/10/2020
Impressionism 11/09/2020
Midwest America Artists 11/09/2020
Bedroom Art Gallery 11/08/2020
The Art of Watercolor 11/03/2020
Beauty in Art - No Photography 11/01/2020
Images that Excite You 11/01/2020
No Place Like Home 6/23/2018
Created by My Hands 3/28/2017
1000 views on 1 image 3/28/2017
ABC Group 4/18/2013
Loving the Color Green 9/08/2012
Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery 6/17/2012
November 17th, 2010
Similar Subjects
Comments (111)

Bijan Pirnia
I adore bucolic serenity, my dear Kathy, especially when it's depicted by a virtuoso artist such as you, my lady. Your gallery is sheer delight.

Patty Strubinger
Very nice! Love this beautiful painting! L And congratulations on your many features!
Kathy Braud replied:
Thank you, Patty S., so nice you stopped bye, left a note, and I appreciate your L.

Lori Pittenger
Congratulations your outstanding artwork has been featured on the leading page of “Impressionism” group! Please take a moment to add it to the featured art archive and the catalogs in the group’s discussions. Excellent work! Lori
Kathy Braud replied:
Thank you, Lori, for the lovely feature you did of my artwork on Impressionism group.

Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your beautiful artistic work is Featured on the home page of the "Bedroom Art Gallery" group. 11/8/20 l/f/pin
Kathy Braud replied:
Thank you, Lyric for the lovely feature of my field painting of the home farm. L/f

Kathy Braud
Thank you for the feature in Bedroom Art Gallery, Lyric Lucas. Much appreciate your visit and support.

Promoting this fine artwork in the Semi Abstract group "LANDSCAPES - SEMI ABSTRACT 3 A DAY" discussion thread. f/l

Kathy Braud
Thank you for the feature in Beauty in Art - No Photography, Jasna. 11/01/2020. It was very appreciated! Kathy

John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!" Sharing on Facebook Group - Images That Excite You!

Kay Brewer
Excellent work! Voted your entry in the R Is For Rustic contest.
Kathy Braud replied:
Thank you, Kay! Much appreciate! I see I was using gessoed paper. Really changes the paint activity in a fun way!.

Nancy Griswold
Wonderful Impressionism! F/L
Kathy Braud replied:
Thank you, Nancy! We all start somewhere and the gooey paint sure was fun! I first for me!

Malanda Warner
Congratulations on your special feature in No Place Like Home! Spectacular painting Kathy! LF

Jenny Revitz Soper
Kathy, I chose this beauty to showcase on the homepage of the No Place Like Home group, in the MAY I PRESENT feature!! Check it out! l/f/fb/tw/g+/pinned

Sergei Dolgov
Amazing watercolor landscape scene, Kathy! f/l
Kathy Braud replied:
Hi Sergei! It might look like an acrylic or oil but it is a juicey watercolor filled with pigment. I am not exactly sure how it was done right now.... but I do experiment with different types of paper and / or it could be a coat of acrylic underneath.