Styalized Lily Pads 3
by Kathy Braud
Buy the Original Painting
11.000 x 15.000 inches
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Styalized Lily Pads 3
Kathy Braud
Painting - Watercolor
Here is a colorful grouping of floating waterlily plants designed with abstraction in mind. Note the shapes and values of shadows, reflections and adding linear plants to be nestled within the floral grouping. I also enjoyed playing with a variety of mediums.
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Comments (89)
Laurel Adams
Kathy, on this first day of contest tribute, my gaze goes to your twelve paintings in the OVER 3,000 VIEWS COLLECTION. It does NOT disappoint!! Some of my favorites reside here...shining in Light and AMAZING COLOUR splay! Is it any wonder WHY I chose your contest title to be “Colour My World”? ... Thank you for sharing your glimpses of Emboldened, Brightly Coloured Beauty thru FAA that the World might SEE and enjoy! Do you hear and SEE IT??...the MAGIC of an Artist at PLAY! The realm of INSPIRATION! LF
Hanne Lore Koehler
Beautiful abstract water lily painting, Kathy! Awesome colors and composition! Congratulations on your feature in Pretty In Pink Blue And Purple group! L/F
Femina Photo Art By Maggie
CONGRATULATIONS! Your excellent image has been featured in Pretty in Pink Blue or Purple.You're invited to add it to the features/archive discussion thread. Thanks so much for your submission! l/f/twt
John Malone
Congratulations! Your skillful and interesting painting has been FEATURED on our homepage. Well done
Venetia Featherstone-Witty
Beautiful paintings! Congratulations Kathy on being chosen Artist of the Month for June in Exquisite Florals. L/F/P
Donna Kennedy
Congratulations Kathy on being chosen Artist of the Month for June in Exquisite Florals!!!...L
Doug Kreuger
Lovely pond lilies painting, Kathy! Your colors are fresh, bright and highly appealing—nicely contrasted by the water and shadows! L&F