September Orange Poppies

by Kathy Braud
Original - Sold
Not Specified
24.000 x 17.500 inches
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September Orange Poppies
Kathy Braud
Painting - Watercolor & Gesso On Paper
In our garden, this poppy painting is a beautiful effort at creating motion in a subject that remains rooted to the ground. The abstract texture of the sky foiled against the floral tangled landscape seems like the whole scene is in action. The colors, blue and orange, are opposites on the color wheel and really grab you with their color intensity. Then as the shadows creep over the blooms to add variety of color and depth, one wonderful blossom suddenly becomes the star.
Quick Orange Contest, Beautiful Flowers, 3/17/2017 3rd Place
10,000 Views and More 4/07/2019
Beauty in Art - No Photography 3/10/2019
Contemporary 3/07/2019
Collectors Gallery 4/08/2018
10 Plus 4/03/2018
Collectors Gallery 3/27/2018
Administrator's Pick, Midwest America Artists - 12/5/2017
Over 2000 Views 9/25/2017
Impressionism 9/22/2017
Exquisite Florals Artist of the Month for June 2017 6/09/2017
Spotlight Featured Artist - Wisconsin Flower and Scenery 4/27/2017
Premium FAA Artists 12/27/2016
Exquisite Florals 12/25/2016
I Like Poppies 11/24/2016
Exclusively Drawings and Paintings 11/09/2016
Midwest America Artists 11/03/2016
Impressionists of the 21st Century 10/31/2016
Paintings Only Clockwork Orange Contest 10/20/2016 2nd place win (3 tied for 1st Place) in No Place Like Home
Beautiful Poppies 7/04/2016
1000 views - nomination, special Features by fellow artist 1/20/2016
500 Views Shared Group 4/20/2015
Uplifting Art 1 per day 2/26/2015
ABC Group - P is for Playing - 1/28/2015
Grand Greeting Cards - 12/22/2014
Women Painters 12/11/2014
Magic of Flower 11-27-2013;
Blank Greeting Cards 7-27-2013;
Contemporary Florals 6-29-13
November 21st, 2010
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Comments (426)

Kathy Braud
Greetings! Soraya, Robyn, and Anees for sharing your thoughts about my orange poppies. I appreciate!!! Love, Kathy Braud

Kathy Braud
Thank you, Richard, for discovering this magical image! I had no idea if was so popular. Thank you! Kathy

Richard James Digance
Not surprised that this eye popping and luminous showcase of the magical combination of orange on blue painting has been viewed almost 14,000 times !!!

Richard James Digance
Not surprised that this eye popping and luminous showcase of the magical combination of orange on blue painting has been viewed almost 14,000 times !!!

Renee Couture
Love the poppies and the colors just POP! Your choice of the deep blues in the background really set them off.

Kathy Braud
I was interested in seeing it this poppy image was still getting viewed. YES! It is up to 13.992 views on FAA! What a surprise!

Marian Voicu
Superb and magical! L/F
Kathy Braud replied:
Thank you, Marian.... and this image has been on FAA and gathered almost 14,000 views.